That’s the name of the Sex and the City episode when main character and columnist Carrie Bradshaw’s laptop crashes. When her boyfriend asks if she backed up her work, Carrie’s answer is a simple “Um, I don’t do that.” She’s both horrified and crushed when she realizes what she’s lost and how easily it could have been prevented.
If you’re among those who “don’t do that,” you need to know a few statistics:
• 1 in 10 computers are infected with viruses each month
• 113 cell phones are lost and stolen – EVERY MINUTE
• 29% of disasters are caused by accident
• 30% of people have NEVER backed up
Fortunately, there are easy, inexpensive solutions than anyone can use to protect their data.
• Buy a USB drive (purchase as little or as much storage as you need).
• Back up your data using an inexpensive online account like Dropbox, Google Drive or Amazon Cloud (good for most household and basic important business documents).
• For businesses, back up large amounts of data through an online backup system like Xtel’s Cloud Data solutions.
So, on this World Backup Day, March 31st, 2015, take the pledge to back your data up. You won’t be sorry!