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Managed Firewall

Managed Firewall affords an additional layer of network security between your business and untrusted, often malicious actors that may attempt to infiltrate vulnerable points within a network

Implementing firewall infrastructure is vital to strengthen network security, protect proprietary organizational information, monitor for intrusions and provide regular patch management to ensure every security component is up to date.

Managed Firewall addresses any security threats by monitoring your normal network traffic so that your atypical use can be easily identified and corrected. Our security professionals monitor networks and provide robust analysis and reporting as part of our managed firewall service.


Benefits of Managed Firewall:

As an MSSP, Xtel’s Managed Firewall services fortifies your organizations defense as our team of eXperts monitors and protects your network.

Xtel's Managed Firewall Services include:

Managed Firewall is where network security begins and complements other network security and cybersecurity features when layered together.

As a full-service provider, Xtel’s vast knowledge on network security offers our customers peace-of-mind with the necessary infrastructure for optimal safety.
