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Higher Ed is Stepping in to Fill Cybersecurity Gaps

Source: Education Dive | Read Full Article Here

Cybersecurity, a hot button issue across all industries, is an ever evolving and escalating problem. DDoS [distributed denial of service] attacks are easily producible and more prevalent than in years past. Most notably, the attacks on internet provider Dyn in late 2016.

Creating and maintaining a secure network requires a multi-disciplinary approach, with both proactive and passive monitoring being vital to keeping attacks out.

In the above article, there are many examples of how Higher Education is using different approaches to prevent and eliminate online attacks.

“We design in order to protect against random events happening, but in cybersecurity it’s not random events. It’s malicious. The attacker will find the weakest spot, the thing you didn’t anticipate, and will exploit that fact to gain control of your system,” Memon said in describing the hands-on approach to the week and the NYU center. “I started this cybersecurity competition with the feeling that people needed to get this type of experience. This will give them that training that’s not easy to give in a classroom.”

Read Full Article Here

In a K-12 setting, DDoS detection and mitigation is quickly becoming an imperative for complete network security. Xtel’s Cleanpipe Internet Service can help detect and mitigate an attack before it gets to your network.

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